Election 2016 — renewables roundup week #6

wind energy worker

What’s been going on in Week #6 of the election campaign?

If jobs and growth are really the cornerstones of the Coalition’s election campaign, they’d be well served by promoting a more pro-clean energy platform, according to a report released by the Clean Energy Council.

CEC Get Excited About Job Creation

Our renewables roundup starts this week with the remarkable findings of the council’s Renewable Energy: Future Jobs and Growth study which shows that 28,000 jobs would be created nationally by moving to a 50 percent renewables target by 2030. The study showed that jobs lost in closing fossil-fuel powered energy would be more than compensated by those created building, operating and maintaining clean energy installations.

Go ahead and download the report here.


Labor Promise To Reverse CSIRO Cuts

To the related subject of climate change and there was plenty of talk (finally) in the election campaign about the need to take climate change seriously. Remember the most important challenge of our time? Labor’s Kim Carr has promised to reverse damaging cuts to the climate division of the CSIRO saying $250 million will be provided over four years to restore funding and prevent jobs cuts. Whether that will be enough to stop climate scientists from finding jobs overseas is another matter altogether!


Women More Concerned Than Men About Climate Change

More women are concerned about climate change than men, (83 to 71 percent according to the Pew Research Institute). While it affects both genders, does the difference reflect the fact that women are more vulnerable to climate emergencies?


Malcolm To Save The Great Barrier Reef?

Both parties have made their pitch to protect the Great Barrier Reef from the effects of a warming climate. Here’s Malcolm Turnbull announcing a plan that includes concessional loans for clean energy projects.


Voters Are Bored & Cynical

Meanwhile the Fin  has run a report saying how difficult it is to engage “bored, cynical” voters. May we suggest the major parties throw the switch to issues that resonate with Australians? Like renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions?


Go Solar Citizens!

Finally in our election renewables roundup for this week, the Solar Citizens group are launching a campaign calling for 100 percent renewable energy by 2030. Want to join up and tell your local MP and candidates you care about clean energy? You can vote here.



  1. Moving to 100% renewables sounds great, but moving from base load coal is going to take a lot of time and money.

    I understand that car and trucks are one of the largest polluters.

    In the past in Vic at least rego was based on power and weight. eg smaller cars and smaller capacity engines paid less reg. And conversely of course.

    I wonder why this could not be bought back in to encourage smaller cars and engines to reduce pollution over time. It maybe required to re balance the rego fees so that overall the Govt. tax income was the same but it may move more people to forgo SUV’s and big cars/engines, where not really required.

  2. RB: “Voters Are Bored & Cynical”. How true. Our own choices are so limited we’re considering voting informal, for the first time in our lives. Pity there isn’t a decent independent standing. Best thing we can hope for is a hung parliament!

    Vehicles? There’s a need for incentives to move to electrics and hybrids, as exists in some other western countries. Roll on Tesla Model 3…!

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