NSW Government Energy Bill Buster Offer Goes Live Monday

NSW Energy Bill Buster - free solar

More NSW Low Income Household Rebate recipients will be able to swap their rebate for a solar power system starting next week.

The Energy Bill Buster program has evolved from the Solar for Low Income Households Trial that launched in 2019 in selected regions. In June this year, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet and Treasurer Matt Kean announced a state-wide expansion of the program, new features and a new name – Energy Bill Buster.

The re-jiggered program will initially enable up to 30,000 eligible households to forego their Low Income Household Rebate for ten years in exchange for a 3kW solar power system or home energy efficiency upgrades valued up to $4,000.

“This program enables households to make decisions that will deliver long term savings on their energy bills while making clean energy improvements to their homes,” stated Mr. Kean. “You can switch to solar or upgrade your home fittings and appliances, which are tried and tested ways to cut your energy bills year after year.”

The NSW Government says the program will provide participants energy bill savings of up to $600 a year, well above the annual rebate of $285. In terms of solar savings, we crunched the numbers back in June. While savings will depend on a household’s energy consumption profile, a saving of $600 is certainly possible and perhaps even more. To see what you could save in your situation, give the SolarQuotes solar calculator a whirl.

Energy Bill Buster Eligibility

To be eligible for the rebate swap for solar, applicants must:

  • currently receive the Low Income Household Rebate
  • agree not to receive the rebate for ten years.
  • hold a valid Pensioner Concession Card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.
  • own and live in the home.
  • not already have solar panels installed.

For the rebate swap for energy efficiency upgrades, the first 3 criteria apply and it’s only available if an applicant isn’t eligible or suitable for the solar swap offer – for example, those renting or living in apartments. Among the eligible appliances and upgrades are energy efficient fridges, dryers, air-conditioners and hot water systems, window shading and draught sealing.

The NSW Government notes the Energy Bill Buster solar offer isn’t  just for private homeowners and tenants – eligible land and housing corporation tenants will be offered solar systems later in the year.

For further information on Energy Bill Buster, head out to the Energy Saver website where you’ll also be able to lodge an application from Monday. Definitely read over the FAQ carefully for some of the fine print involved – such as:

  • needing a smart meter to participate in the solar swap.
  • allowing your electricity retailer to send your electricity bills to the NSW Government.
  • you won’t have a choice of installer.
  • you’ll need to reapply for the Low Income Household Rebate at the end of the 10 years – it won’t automatically kick in again.
  • you take ownership (and responsibility) for the solar power system from day 1, but various warranties are included.

Also note you’ll be able to have a system larger than 3kW installed if you’re prepared to pay the difference.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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