Will PM Albo End The Climate Wars In Australia?

Soon-to-be Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

While the dust is still settling after the election, something that is already clear: Australians want real action on climate change and more support for renewable energy.

Labor Leader Anthony Albanese will be sworn in as Australia’s 31st Prime Minister this morning, and he’s promised to hit the ground running. In his victory speech on Saturday night, soon-to-be Prime Minister Albanese said:

Whoops, wrong video. Anyhow, he actually said:

“Together we can end the climate wars. Together we can take advantage of the opportunity for Australia to be a renewable energy superpower.”

Labor went into this election with a less-ambitious set of climate policies than the last. SQ’s Ronald recently quipped:

“They seem to have decided they lost the last one because they promised to make things better, so they’re doing their best to avoid that this time and are relying on winning by simply not being the Coalition.”

Based on what happened, maybe this time around Labor underestimated the appetite for change – but still, they are over the line. How much so is yet to be established.

Here are some of the commitments Albanese and Labor will now need to make good on.

  • Labor promises zero net emissions by 2050 and a 43% cut in emissions by 2030, based on 2005 levels.
  • Removal of the fringe benefits tax and import tariff on electric vehicles below the luxury car tax threshold for fuel efficient vehicles ($77,565).
  • An EV charger rollout, with charging stations at an “average interval of 150km on major roads” across the country.
  • $100 million direct investment to support around 25,000 households to own or lease part of a large solar power system installation.
  • $200 million to be spent on 400 community batteries. Chris Bowen was busy pledging batteries in various communities in the lead-up to the election.
  • Rewiring The Nation – an electricity grid infrastructure blitz to address transmission issues to support more renewables such as wind and solar energy, and drive down power prices.
  • Reducing the Australian Public Service’s emissions to net zero by 2030

Greens And Teals To Pile On Climate Pressure

One of the things that will make Federal Election 2022 memorable is the rise of the “teals” – a group of independent candidates with common desires, including substantive action on climate change.

The Greens appear to have also fared well, with leader Adam Bandt declaring a “Greens-slide”.

“The Greens are on track for our best result ever,” Mr Bandt tweeted on Saturday night. “People have backed us in record numbers and delivered a massive mandate for action on climate & inequality.”

Between the Greens and the teals, pressure will be on the Albanese Government to not only live up to its climate and renewable energy commitments, but take them further. The Greens and teals are wanting Australia’s 2050 net-zero emissions target enshrined in law. As for 2030, the Greens are after a 75% reduction and the teals are also chasing much more ambitious targets.

The spirit in Labor may be willing to push the envelope, but the flesh may be a little weak initially until it finds its feet and polishes the message it will need to deliver to the Australian people. But no doubt the climate wars Anthony Albanese optimistically wants to see end will rage on, fossil-fuelled by disinformation and misinformation.

And as for some of the casualties of Australian Federal Election 2022 such as Scott Morrison, Angus Taylor, Craig Kelly and Keith Pitt (who is still blocking SolarQuotes from his Twitter feed), who will be losing plum positions in various forms; a brief and very repetitive parting message:

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.


  1. Bret Busby in Armadale, Western Australia says

    One particular thing conspicuous by its absence in the above article, is reference to the bill introduced into the feral parliament, shortly before the election, by the two independents in the lower chamber (does being a lower chamber, make it a dungeon?), to make household BESS’s part of the STC scheme, and what may now happen, regarding that bill.

    Conspicuously, insofar as I am aware, the so-named “Greens” party had not indicated support for the bill….

  2. Watching interviews with liberals over the last 24 hours they dont seen to have gotten the message.
    They think they lost because they accepted the climate change message and did not fight against it more. If that was the case their votes would have went to the UAP.
    My beleave is that they lost lots of votes to climate action teals because they were only talk and no action.
    If Labor dont stuff it up they may be around for a long time because the liberals are not learning from their losses.

  3. Geoff Miell says

    Rewiring The Nation – an electricity grid infrastructure blitz to address transmission issues to support more renewables such as wind and solar energy, and drive down power prices.

    As regular Solar Quotes blog readers would know, adequate capacity transmission lines are a key ingredient for supporting more renewables.

    But some locations are substantially more blessed than others.

    The federal electorates of Calare (and Hume) have arguably the best renewable energy resources in Australia, including:

    * Great wind resources;
    * Good solar resources;
    * Great transmission infrastructure feeding into a very large electricity consumer region;
    * Large pumped-hydro potential.

    Electorates with high quality solar, wind, and pumped-hydro resources that are close to existing and approved transmission lines (like Calare and Hume), have the opportunity to procure far more of the energy transition investment pie than the average regional electorate.

    But will the Nationals’ Andrew Gee MP (returned Federal Member for Calare), and the Liberal’s Angus Taylor MP (returned Federal Member for Hume), recognise these opportunities and encourage and facilitate these investments for the longer-term benefits of their respective electorates?

    See the webinar hosted by Kate Hook (independent candidate for 2022 Calare election), published on YouTube titled Regenerate Calare: Plan to Prosper Webinar, duration 1:05:56, with a presentation by Professor Andrew Blakers, beginning from time interval 0:03:30 through to 0:13:13.

  4. Scomo:
    In 2017: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be scared, it won’t hurt you. It’s coal.”
    In 2022: Prime Minister of Australia – “That’s not my job”

  5. “In 2022: Prime Minister of Australia – “That’s not my job””

    Credit to my son who, late on Saturday night modified the above quote to read:

    “On 21st May 2022: Prime Minister of Australia –
    “That’s not my job – Anymore..”
    Finally got it right!

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