More Tindo Solar Panels For Bendigo Bank Branches

Bendigo Bank - Tindo Solar panels

Another two Bendigo Bank branches have installed solar systems, both of which feature Australian-made Tindo Solar panels.

The branches in Cobram, Victoria and Wagga Wagga, New South Wales both have new 22kW systems. Estimated output wasn’t specified, but in those locations a system of that size can be expected to generate around 34,700 kilowatt-hours of clean electricity annually.

The installations are part of  Bendigo Bank meeting its commitment to 100 percent renewable electricity by 2025, and to reduce absolute corporate emissions by 50 percent by 2030.

“Putting our customers first is in our DNA here at Bendigo and Adelaide Bank – not only with their banking needs – but also in contributing to a more sustainable future for future generations,” said Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Managing Director, Marnie Baker.

Management and staff at both locations seem pretty pumped about generating power from their respective rooftops.

“Not only will they help contribute to the Bank’s long-term commitment to sustainability and the environment, but these new Tindo panels will also help to promote the many advantages of solar panels and renewable energy across the entire Wagga community for at least the next 25 years,” said Wagga Branch Manager Chris Hawe.

In a bizarre coincidence, Regional Manager Kendall Beattie said pretty much the same thing about the Cobram installation – just using the word “Cobram” instead of “Wagga”. Great minds and all that.

Bendigo Bank And Solar Power

Bendigo Bank has a penchant for Tindo Solar panels, which are also pretty popular with home solar buyers who are prepared to stump up a bit more cash for Australian-made modules compared to most imported brands.

In December last year, 2 x 100kW Tindo-based PV systems started cranking clean electricity from the rooftop of Bendigo Bank’s national headquarters in Victoria.

This isn’t the end of the bank’s solar rollout. Ms. Baker noted 30 Bendigo Bank branches across Australia were benefiting from solar energy by the end of last financial year, there are 45 systems in place now and more installations are scheduled before the end of this year. Chances seem pretty good some or all of those installs will sport Tindo gear.

Tindo and Bendigo’s relationship is a two-way street. The bank provided finance for Tindo Solar’s new  factory in Adelaide, which was officially opened last month.  The first solar panel for utility-scale applications ever produced in Australia is being manufactured at the new Mawson Lakes facility – the 550 watt Karra; along with the 405 watt Karra for the home and commercial rooftop solar power market.  Both panels are based on larger and more efficient M10 cells.

On a related note, the company recently announced its modules had successfully completed cyclone testing and are certified for use in C (significant risk of cyclone impact) and D (most prone to severe cyclone impact) wind classification regions.

This specialist testing in the N.T shows that we are committed to quality here at Tindo, and you can trust that we offer an exceptional solar panel,” said the firm.

Tindo is currently listed on SolarQuotes’ approved solar panel brands chart.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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