Queensland Government Announces Massive Solar Program

Anna Bligh, the Premier of Queensland has announced plans to provide two hundred thousand Queensland residents with solar powered, economical and ecological, hot water systems. Bligh states the government has begun its election commitment, and is encouraging householders to take advantage of the new program. A government hotline has already been set up, so anyone interested can register quickly, and easily. [Read more…]

Garnaut says: It’s not to late

The Garnaut Climate Review has warned of the grave dangers of not reducing climate change stating that it will lead to dire consequences for humanity. However, the report also sheds some positive light on the issue, stating that it is still not too late to start doing something about it.

In Australia, there is a long-term goal to reduce all emissions by sixty percent between the year 2000 and 2050. In addition to this, they also hope to reduce emissions by up to fifteen percent by 2020.

Focusing on renewable energy sources is one of the things that Australia is doing to reduce these emissions. In addition, raising the taxes of major polluters is also on the agenda. Seeking green alternatives to fuel is essential as is optimizing energy efficiently in homes, businesses and public buildings with an emphasis on totally renewable and “free” sources such as solar energy and wind power.

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A message for Anna Bligh and Kevin Rudd: Start Stimulating Solar Energy!

Queensland local businesses in the solar energy industry have said that it is about time that the state of Queensland introduce the type of solar energy plan that is found in many places around Europe whereby households receive cash for the energy that their solar power system produces, that is distributed into the regular power supply, greatly encouraging the use of this greener, renewable energy source.

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Victorian Farmers Pissed Off With Government’s Solar Stinginess

The farming industry of the state of Victoria has criticized the local government’s legislation on solar energy for disadvantaging them while other states offer the industry a far better deal.

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Solar Feed in Tariffs

Solar energy doesn’t just reduce your electricity bills and help the planet; it can also make you money, up to 60c per kilowatt hour at present without you having to do anything.

The Australia Federal Government is introducing a Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme in 2009 which will no doubt contain many benefits for those who choose to use renewable energy sources.

Following in the footsteps of over 40 other countries around the world, the Australian Government will probably introduce a nationwide scheme to buy back your excess solar electricity and pay you for it.

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Get Your Government Grants for Solar Energy

There has never been a better time for an Australian household to switch to solar energy. In an effort to promote renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions the Government has devised a system of grants and rebates to help you save money on your bills by making your home more cost effective and at the same time environmentally friendly.

Rebates and grants of $500 to $8000 are available according to your particular situation. These are primarily for solar heated hot water systems. To find out if you qualify then contact your local authority or the Australian Government website through the link below.

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What on Earth are Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)?

When you buy a solar system in Australia you can apply for 2 upfront subsidies from the government:

(note: this all changes on July 1, 2009: read about the rebate changes here)

1. The $8000 rebate (for the 1st kW) assuming your household income is under $100k

2.Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)- works out at $600-$1200 per kW (the price changes over time)

The concept of the rebate is easy to understand – it is simply a handout from Mr Rudd to encourage solar power (can’t argue with that!).

The concept of RECs can be a bugger to get your head around. So here is my attempt at an explanation:

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