Election renewables news roundup Week #1


And it’s on for young and old! It was a race to the wardrobe to find the hi-visibility vests and hard hats as soon as our PM got the nod for an early election last week. Breathless, the two have traversed the land in the first week, trying to appear with as many workers and small business people as possible to squeeze in one camera shot.

The general reaction from many Aussies has been on of horror as they make plans to stay away from the radio and TV for the duration of this overly long campaign. So, as a public service, we deliver a roundup of election renewables news for the week so far:

The switching off of the coal powered station at South Australia’s Port Augusta has brought the possibility of a solar thermal site in the same location to play. Greens SA have called for the establishment of such a plant and SA Senator Nick Xenophon — he of the new national party — has committed to supporting the venture.


The politics of fossil fuel lobbying also took a hammering this week with the announcement by Origin “Blame the Carbon Tax” Energy that it was investing in renewables. Has anyone told the baby-kissing pollies yet?


The Rupert-owned Merc in Tassie points out that the Turnbull/Morrison budget will favour the polluters over the environment (as if!). Article is by the ACF’s Paul Sinclair.


And what of the Budget and election kickoff and renewables?


The Australian Solar Council is leaving no stone unturned in its bid for target marginals seats for the benefit of renewables. Here’s a review of its campaign, now in full swing.


Labor gives hint of real renewables policy by refusing to fund ARENA.


And of course the Budget showed the push to defund one of Australia’s most successful agencies goes right across the political divide.


One issue that may have intriguing consequences for renewables policy is the alleged partnership between the pro-clean energy Greens and the Labor Party (or the Liberals depending who gets there first). Newly-minted Greens leader Richard Di Natale has said he will demand changes to the Labor party’s asylum seeker policy…but will he do the same for renewables?

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