FIMER Scores Spot In NSW EV Destination Charger Program

FIMER Wallbox EV charger

FIMER’s FLEXA AC Wallbox is among the EV chargers eligible  for New South Wales’ electric vehicle destination charging grants.

Earlier this month, the New South Wales Government announced it would be offering $20 million in grants to support the installation of up to 3,500 electric vehicles chargers across regional areas, with the goal of establishing Australia’s largest destination charging network.

“EVs are growing in popularity and this will help ensure our regional areas have the charging stations needed to welcome EV-driving visitors,” said NSW Treasurer and Minister for Energy Matt Kean at the time.

The co-funded grants range from $2,000 to $40,000 per eligible site, with up to 75% of the grant able to go towards buying and installing up to four level 2 AC 7kW and 22kW chargers. Among the types of businesses that can apply for the grants are motels, cafes, restaurants and visitor information centres.

The NSW Government says powering an EV charger from renewable energy is the preferred approach, but not a requirement for the grants. But whacking on some commercial solar power and/or buying renewable electricity supply as part of a project would boost a destination’s green street cred. Electricity in New South Wales is still on the grotty side, with fossil fuel generation making up 75.4% of the state’s electricity mix in 2021.

Further information on the grants is available here and the list of approved electric vehicle chargers and software at the time of publishing can be downloaded here. Note that the list will likely be updated and the most current version can be accessed from the Electric Vehicle Council, which is working with the State Government on this initiative.

FIMER Wallbox Gets A Guernsey

Major solar inverter and electric mobility systems manufacturer FIMER announced yesterday its FIMER FLEXA AC Wallbox Future Net EV charger is on the approved charger list for organisations seeking grants.

“We are thrilled to be included on the NSW EV Charging list,” said FIMER Australia’s Country Manager Jason Venning. “FIMER has installed over 54,000 chargers worldwide, and we are looking forward to being a part of Australia’s growing charging network.”

The FLEXA AC Wallbox – which can also be used for home installations – is available in either single-phase or three-phase, with power ratings of 3.7 kW, 7.4 kW, 11 kW and 22 kW. FIMER notes the Wallbox is OCPP1.6 compatible, enabling integration with third-party payment management software such as Everty and Chargefox.

You can compare the specifications and features of a couple of the FIMER Wallbox units with other devices available in Australia (but not necessarily on the NSW grants list) on SolarQuotes’ recently launched EV Charger Comparison Table. SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock notes FIMER EV chargers are among the brands he’s heard good things about from installers and users.

Italy-headquartered FIMER is a well-established player on the power electronics scene, manufacturing inverters for large commercial and utility scale applications for decades. The company also entered the residential and small commercial solar market through acquisition of ABB’s solar inverter business, which was completed in March 2020.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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