Like a Virgin: chance to install solar power at Sir Richard’s island home

Richard Branson and Finn

Richard Branson wants some solar quotes. (cue gratuitous celebrity stalker shot)

Note for our solar installer readers: Like to bid for the chance to deck out Sir Richard Branson’s pad in a solar power system? Be part of the Great Innovator’s strategy on solar energy? Great, but before we go further let’s make sure you know what you’re in for.

You see Sir Richard “The Human Headline” Branson’ s abode isn’t a humble brick or weatherboard three bedroom knockabout place with a pool room and quarter acre block thrown in like the rest of us. The Headline (as you’d expect) calls an island his home. Not all the time, but when he wants a bit of R&R away from the cameras and interviews, Sir Rich puts his feet up on an island in the British Virgin (get it?) Islands called Necker Island.

The island is also a super luxury resort for tourists with very deep pockets.

Sir Richard is of course known as a premier business innovator, and much of his success has been due to his ability to “think outside the box” which keeps him a step or two ahead of his competitors. In keeping with this approach Sir Richard was one of the first to embrace renewable energy initiatives.

So what’s the dramatically-named Branson Carbon War Room? And how does it fit in with the famous Branson style and, more specifically, the request for bids for renewables contracts on Necker Island?

The Carbon War Room is a brash and effective global initiative set up by The Headline to raise awareness of renewable energy and deploy profitable clean technologies across a number of industries. According to the website, the request for tenders for the contract to fit out Necker Island will provide the showpiece of the 10 island challenge agreed by the War Room at the UN conference on sustainable development in June.

The challenge looks to assist ten island nations in reducing their reliance on fossil fuels by 2020. Often it is these island nations that are most affected by climate change and — in particular — rising sea levels. Here at SQHQ we’re big fans of ideas people like Sir Richard, hats off for helping to show the way!

So, if you’re an Aussie solar installer looking for something different and new in the way of work — like a Virgin even 🙂 — why not bid for the opportunity to add solar power to Sir Richard’s paradise in the sun? Be an integral part of Sir Richard’s forward thinking solar power strategy for islands. To find out more about this great opportunity read the press release here.

Remember you read about it here first! (Unless you subscribe to Photon Magazine where we read about it 🙂 )

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