Continuing Push For Rooftop DC Isolator Requirement Review

Rooftop DC isolator

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There is a growing call for an end to the very unpopular rooftop isolator requirement for solar power system installations in Australia.

What Is A Rooftop DC Isolator?

Pictured above, a rooftop DC isolator is manually operated switch situated adjacent to a solar panel array that shuts off DC current between the array and the solar inverter. It was intended as an additional safety mechanism as there are also isolator switches at ground level adjacent to the inverter or enclosed within the inverter itself.

Solar power system owners don’t have a choice as to whether a rooftop isolator is installed – it is currently required. The reasoning behind the requirement was primarily to help better protect emergency services. But fires occurring in rooftop solar arrays have been rare and the use of the switch by emergency services, given its location, has apparently been even rarer.

What’s The Issue With Rooftop Isolators?

The isolators have caused more problems than they have solved, particularly when installed incorrectly.

“Rooftop DC isolators were made mandatory through AS/NZS 5033 in 2012,” states the Clean Energy Council. “Since then, rooftop isolators have been proven by inspection data to be the largest single source of PV system failure.”

An interesting point is while AS/NZS 5033 also applies in New Zealand, there is an exception for Kiwi installations in this regard – they do not require a rooftop DC isolator (nor is it a requirement in some other countries).

These devices have to operate for years in what is a particularly harsh environment. Aside from installation issues, there have been a number of recalls of various isolator devices due to issues such as the potential for water ingress or other faults that can cause the isolator to overheat and subsequently pose a fire/electrocution hazard. In some of the fires that have occurred in rooftop solar installations, the isolator has been the culprit.

It turns out that instead of reducing risks, rooftop isolators seem to increase risk and appear to be just an unnecessary potential point of failure in a solar power system.

Then Why Are They Still Required?

In a nutshell, because the Standards Committee is yet to undertake a full review and arrive at a decision as to whether the installation of rooftop DC isolators should continue to be mandatory; or other changes to the requirement made. In March last year, the CEC submitted a proposal to the Standards Committee EL-042 to review AS/NZS 5033 in relation to the devices and other issues, but that proposal wasn’t accepted.

The CEC says it is continuing to lobby all state electrical safety bodies and the review is gathering widespread support. The CEC states it is also communicating with emergency services to express its concerns regarding rooftop isolators and the need for a review.

Should You Be Worried?

If your solar power system was recently installed by a competent installer using good quality components, then there is little to be concerned about from a safety perspective. However, in SQ founder Finn Peacock’s book The Good Solar Guide, he strongly suggests getting an inspection and system test performed every five years by a suitably qualified professional. The rooftop isolator will be checked as part of this inspection.

The rooftop DC isolator situation is another reason why installation inspections need to be beefed up in Australia.

Update 18 June: in a communication sent yesterday afternoon, the Clean Energy Council stated members have given in-principle support to a proposal to also get rid of wall-mounted DC isolators by requiring the use of an isolator enclosed within the inverter, shifting some of the onus of responsibility from installers to product manufacturers.

In addition to pursuing changes to standards, the CEC says it aims to move the industry away from wall-mounted DC isolators through its product listing procedures and eligibility requirements associated with government rebates.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.


  1. Chris Humphris says

    What everyone is missing is the exposure to extreme uv radiation in Australia. The plastic enclosures that the isolators are fitted cannot withstand the extreme temperatures and radiation. Stupid bureaucratic decision made by technically ignorants. The smart thing to do is to mount the isolator at ground level in a position protected from the elements.

  2. Bruce Armstrong says

    Roof mounted isolators have always been a stupid idea and it’s hardly surprising that they are the biggest source of system failures. It really makes one wonder about the competence of those that drafted the standards.

    I can understand why installers may like it, but the June 18 CEC proposal to move the isolators to inside of inverters also a really bad idea. There may be no way to replace an inverter without exposing live PV panel DC of several hundred volts or visiting the roof to make the panels safe by disconnecting some inter-panel leads.

  3. Mark Cerny says

    Australia should follow the USA on this and opt for rapid shutdown modular isolation. That is being able to isolate before panels combine power thus reducing the risks of DC voltages

  4. I have a 5.3 kw 2 Strings both isolators have failed. One isolator has completely melted. The other is showing isolation failure. It isl less than 4 months old. Installer seems to be dragging his feet. The isolaters are a risk that need to be completely removed before they cause serious fires.

    • This is the model that failed. BYH-32 it is produced by aj benny.
      As this unit melted photos available. It should not be fitted and recalled.
      The solar panel was anything but isolated. It carried on burning out the tails to the panels. I had to open circuit the string to stop the runaway power continuing to destroy the installation.

      • Ronald Brakels says

        Hello Dave

        Glad to hear you were able to shut it down.

        It is disgraceful the installer is dragging their feet. What could be more important?

        There could be a problem with the isolator or it could be a good isolator that has been incorrectly installed.

        You may want to give your installer a deadline to fix it and inform them if they don’t you will get someone else to and send them the bill. You may also want to contact consumer affairs in your state if the installer is slow to meet their obligations.

        If you want to leave a review so others will be forewarned you can do that here:

        • Update. I have been in touch with the manufacturer sent images and it would appear my installer did not fit the caps that come with the DC isolator over the screws that hold the cover in place. We can prove this was the cause of the meltdown once we remove the second isolator.
          The manufacturer has been very helpful and suggests it looks like water ingress.
          I went to the specifications of the switch before I contacted them and did see the caps where not present on my install.

      • David Collier says

        Update. I have been in touch with the manufacturer sent images and it would appear my installer did not fit the caps that come with the DC isolator over the screws that hold the cover in place. We can prove this was the cause of the meltdown once we remove the second isolator.
        The manufacturer has been very helpful and suggests it looks like water ingress.
        I went to the specifications of the switch before I contacted them and did see the caps where not present on my install.

      • Dear David,

        I feel so sorry you are facing these problems, but it’s not a surprise, this device is a really low quality product but also a copy of a device from other manufacturer.

        Can you please let me know the exact model you were using?, do you have pictures?, I think we should consider recalling this brand.

        • It turned out that the first installer fitted a T connector up high on the system did not seal it and apparently it was not even required for the layout and then water got into the conduit and drained into the switch. The water had no where to go so the first failure occured, repaired within 4 days. The second installer who came to fix the first switch failure replaced the first switch which had water damage. He did not check where the water came from and hence same issue occurred again with glorious melt down.
          As it was left in fault condition for over 12 days I spotted it the first day after the weather improved and there was some days of clear sun and 2.5 kw of power peak on the faulty switch. I still hate these devices and would rather let the inverter unit do the isolation.
          The switch is exposed to the elements extreme heat and driving rain.
          If it fails again then we have a case to get these devices recalled.
          I noticed last week that a installer had his license revoked in VIC I do not know the original installers company name. I assume the company who organized my install have reported the issue.

  5. Bruce Hubbard says

    Fireys reaching down through flames to turn off isolator switches which are on fire. Really. Through ignorance the fireys made a boo-boo about solar panel isolators on the roof. So did the authorities. Power doesn’t come up from the inverter and there is no power fed to the solar panels from the inverter, so having an isolator switch on the roof does nothing. What’s more even switching off the panels at an isolator switch doesn’t stop them generating power. There’s always voltage on the panels with the isolator switch turned off. In short the roof isolator switch is there through ignorance of electrical circuits. It does nothing. Except set your house on fire. Get rid of it.

  6. Bruce Hubbard says

    Monster PV DC switches on the wall. AC switches on the wall. (both exposed to the elements). Isolating switches to be added inside inverters. No, it’s just ignorance. Install all switches in the meter box as breakers. All DIN size breakers are available. AC and DC. Add another DIN box if you need more slots. AC breaker to the mains feed. DC breakers from the PV panels. DC breakers to batteries if needed.

  7. I heard rumours a while ago that AS was considering the idea of replacing the isolation switches with weather proof cable plus/socket arrangement that could just be pulled apart if required. Is this going anywhere. Our system is coming up 5 years old and it would be convenient to have this change done as part of the 5 year inspection.

    • Finn Peacock says

      Yes – this is happening. The draft of the next AS5033 (Australian Standard for Solar Installation) makes Rooftop isolators optional if you take other precautions – such as a point of isolation – which can be a connector – and cable management in the roof cavity that keeps them out of the way of fireys’ axes.

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