If you’re an Australian hoping to buy a Tesla Powerwall battery system, I have bad news. It’s so bad that before I reveal it, you may want to sit down and prepare to offer words of comfort to your wallet. The Australian Tesla site has just increased the price of Powerwalls by $800.
To be clear, this isn’t me repeating news about Tesla’s previous $800 price hike I wrote about less than three months ago because I have memory problems. This is completely unrelated to my impending senility. It’s an entirely new price increase. The cost of a Tesla Powerwall and supporting hardware — including GST — is now $13,300:
The Tesla Powerwall price currently given on their Australian site. I’m responsible for putting the red line under the new, higher price. As it says, this is without installation. To get a Powerwall installed now may cost you around $17,000.
At this rate, I’ll be telling you about the next $800 Powerwall increase sometime in May.
Australians Screwed Over By Tesla
There was a recent price hike in the US, but I was hoping we wouldn’t have one here because the Australian dollar has risen over 8% since the start of October, which is around when Tesla introduced their last increase. Just keeping the price constant while the Australian dollar rose to the 77 US cents it’s worth today increased the amount of money Tesla received for each Nevada-made Powerwall by over $900 Australian. Still, apparently, that wasn’t enough for Tesla, and they felt the need to bung an extra $800 onto the price.
In the past, I’ve pointed out Tesla was pretty good when it came to offering products in Australia for around the same price they did in the US, but this is no longer the case. Going by today’s exchange rate, we are now charged $1,586 more than Yanks. Charging a little more is forgivable or even understandable, but this is just screwing us over.
I don’t know why Americans feel the need to charge Australians extra. So many old people have died in the US from COVID-19 you’d think they’d be flush with inheritance money, wouldn’t you? Or maybe they’re being hit with massive ICU bills, American style?
The US Tesla site gives a price of $8,200 US before incentives. In this case, they are Californian incentives, since I entered Bill Murray’s address.
Home Batteries Are Supposed To Fall In Price
The Powerwall 2 made its debut back in February 2017. That’s over four years ago. It’s been around so long I’m about the only one left who bothers to include the “2” on the end.
According to the hype it was supposed to usher in an age of cheap home and business battery storage. In 2016, serious forecasters at Morgan Stanley made a middle-of-the-road prediction that 1 in 10 Australian households would have a battery system by 2020. They also made an optimistic forecast that was 1 one in 5. But this battery storage-filled future still hasn’t materialized and instead it’s something like 1 in 30 at the moment.
While not everyone huffed the battery hype as hard as Morgan Stanley, a lot of people — myself included — were hoping the launch of the Powerwall 2 would usher in an age of affordable home battery storage. Instead, we received the exact opposite — Powerwall price hikes:
As you can see from the chart above, there has been exactly one Powerwall 2 price decrease and four increases. I find the single price decrease reassuring because it means at least they understand prices can go down.
The Powerwall 2 price has risen by almost 50% since its introduction. The $9,000 price for February 2017 is approximate as Tesla gave prices differently back then. But if we assume it’s a hard figure, then there has been:
- A 48% increase since 2017.
- A 43% real increase after inflation is taken into account.
This is not what was supposed to happen to home battery prices. For some reason, the Powerwall price keeps rising even when battery cells’ cost is decreasing dramatically. In 2018 the Powerwall price was increased $2,650 only three months after Elon Musk said Tesla would get battery cell prices down to $100 US per kilowatt-hour by the end of that year. There was a $550 decrease in the middle of 2019, but that didn’t last. In his September 2020 Battery Day announcement, Elon said Tesla would cut the cost of batteries in half by 2025 and in the four months since then the Powerwall price has been hiked twice for a $1,600 total increase.
When the Powerwall 2 was introduced, I thought its price was pitched low to scare off competition, and it would be a long time before we saw a price cut. I didn’t expect a 43% real price increase.
Why The Price Hikes?
So why does the price of the Powerwall keep going up when the price of battery cells keep going down?
A friend suggested Elon needs money to pay for new rockets because the ones he used to have only worked well until they come in contact with the ground:
But Tesla and SpaceX are separate companies that shouldn’t have fingers in each other’s financial pies, so that’s probably not the reason.
On the other hand, we know Elon is desperate to get to Mars, so maybe he’s trying to raise money for that.
One contentious hypothesis as to why he increased the price of the Powerwall by $800 twice inside of four months is because when he reverts to his true Martian form, he has eight tentacles. Or possibly 800. This line of thought is very speculative.
Then there are those who will say he’s simply after money because he caught the bitcoin bug and recently bought $2 billion of them. I don’t know if he has been buying at around the current peak or if he created it. He does say he’ll accept bitcoin for Tesla cars. I hope he’ll put a carbon surcharge on those transactions because they’re terrible for the environment.
It’s also possible Tesla has raised the price of the Powerwall because they can while still selling all the units they produce. Making safe and reliable home battery systems has clearly proven to be a lot harder than expected, otherwise Tesla would have a lot more competition given their current price point.
Increasing the price to take advantage of consumers’ willingness to pay is a perfectly normal business move. Still, it is very different from a strategy of keeping prices low to keep out competition. Rather than supply battery storage for the masses, Tesla may have decided it will instead only provide its bottled lightning to those willing to pay a premium for the Tesla brand.
Fortunately, there is still time for Tesla to lower its Powerwall prices and get back to supplying energy storage to the masses, rather than just those with masses of money.
It helps pay for Elon’s $2 billion Bitcoin purchase!
Disappointingly Tesla also appears not prepared to drop the price of the Model 3, to compensate for the much cheaper manufacturing cost now that all future Model 3s are being imported from China (I have a Model 3 on order and Tesla said that there are no more US made Model 3s being sent to Australia).
Tesla recently cut the price of a Model 3 SR+ by $7,000 (for US made versions) – but since then they announced all future Model 3s will come from Shanghia. The LFP battery is thousands of dollars cheaper, plus the other Chinese-made components, and labor, are massively cheaper.
C’mon Tesla. Don’t be greedy and pass some of these huge cost savings on to customers.
Just cancel your order for the China piece of junk.
I think I’d rather have a Chinese made Model 3 than a Nevada made one. The new factory has had a chance to learn from the mistakes of the old and reports are it has higher build quality. So I’d say chances are you’d get a better piece of junk from China than the US. That said, a Chinese made Model 3 will have the LFP battery, which will displease some people. (Update: The Standard Range Plus Model 3 will have the LFP battery.)
I thought the LFP batteries were better in a warm climate, longer life, less explodey like sweaty dynamite.
Our Model 3 has the California nickel – cobalt batteries, they seem to work OK down to minus 38 C, although the battery heater has to run for about an hour before they can start charging. They worked on the +38 day in 2019, too.
I’m afraid I don’t have any information on which battery will work better in Australia. Presumably our climate means the LFP will be okay.
What are the prices of competitive systems like?
I’ve heard a bit about the LG and that it might work with the Solaredge inverter, but not a review of the whole system.
I keep reading abput how electric vehicle batteries are going to be super cheap and the work as house backup batteries, but the systems seem to just never quite… exist.
I am not sure of the Price fluctuations but I can confirm the LG works perfectly with the SolarEdge.
Thanks for that input
randy wester,
Who’s writing that “electric vehicle batteries are going to be super cheap”?
Per Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), the lithium-ion battery price index has fallen from $1,191 per kWh in 2010 to $137 per kWh in 2020, a drop of 88.5%.
See: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-17/this-is-the-dawning-of-the-age-of-the-battery?srnd=green
Some analysis suggest that the $100/kWh battery cost threshold is the point that the upfront costs of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are likely to reach parity with internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs).
Tesla’s latest innovations to battery cell design announced on ‘Battery Day’ on 22 Sep 2020, suggests further cost reductions that are likely to flow through to volume production within the next three years.
$80/kWh batteries for BEVs by 2025 may be possible.
See: https://theconversation.com/the-road-to-electric-vehicles-with-lower-sticker-prices-than-gas-cars-battery-costs-explained-137196
A post- ‘peak oil’ supply world will likely make ICEVs even less attractive.
See Figure 5 in: https://economicsfromthetopdown.com/2020/11/16/peak-oil-never-went-away/
We may see some petroleum fuel price rises later this year, depending on how much the global petroleum supply-demand dynamic is disturbed (in amongst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis).
See: https://www.artberman.com/2021/01/15/duc2k-drilled-uncompleted-wells-wont-save-u-s-oil-production/
That’s all right for vehicle batteries, the last $37 per KWh isn’t really significant – less than $2500 total for the largest battery cars is so obviously not the barrier to EV adoption.
The cost of two Powerwalls installed in my house with all the supporting gear is nearly $30,000 for 26 KWh, so we’re seemingly stuck at 2010 prices per KWh there.
I’m not debating battery electric car vs. gasoline or diesel for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it has little to do with solar PV, directly. But also because of the tortured logic where EVs are better, but still need subsidies. And 10 years after the first Nissan LEAF, V2x is still a unicorn.
randy wester,
You state: “…tortured logic where EVs are better, but still need subsidies.”
Sadly, fossil fuels get much more subsidies than renewables and EVs do.
“The growing evidence from groups like the IMF and the IEA shows that fossil fuel subsidies are a major drag on the global economy, with the true costs of their use being a burden on wider society.”
See: https://reneweconomy.com.au/global-fossil-fuel-subsidies-reach-5-2-trillion-and-29-billion-in-australia-91592/
Randy, here’s a radical thought: How about stop ALL the subsidies for fossil fuels? Level the ‘playing field’, eh?
Meanwhile, world crude oil + condensate production has returned to the 2005-2011 supply plateau – see the informative graph from US petroleum geologist Art Berman in his tweet posted earlier today:
US operating drill rig count and numbers of DUCs (drilled uncompleted wells) are currently much too low to allow a return to 2018 US production rates anytime soon.
I’d suggest the proverbial will likely hit the fan when attempts at returning to business-as-usual try to play out (post-COVID).
And I think Australia has an increasingly more precarious liquid fuel security situation than most countries.
I’d suggest the era of cheap oil is over. Time to leave oil before oil leaves us. But most leaders just don’t seem to see it.
“When the wider social and environmental costs of fossil fuels were taken into account, the IMF found that price paid for coal was typically less than half of its true cost.”
More tortured logic. You draw a circle around all fossil fuels, then take the problem of air pollution from coal fired electricity production in the developing world, reframe it as a ‘subsidy’, then tar it onto the mostly unrelated oil industry, and the mostly low pollution natural gas industry.
There is no general, massive flow of subsidy to the oil and gas sector that can be redirected. On the contrary, oil is heavily taxed in most countries, while cheap coal electricity is used as a constant, general economic subsidy.
It looks to me like the best solution to ‘the coal question’ is installing solar PV as fast as humanly possible, plus adding wind turbines backed up by natural gas power to power industry. Or nuclear power, with solar PV and hydro to assist with daytime peak loads.
As for the rest of all that… if predicting the future of oil was easy, the Alberta oilsands would never have been developed, because the Black Swan of accurate horizontal drilling would have been obvious to the clairvoyant.
So… electric cars, powered by rooftop solar or overnight wind. Yes, that obviously works anywhere, in summer, and if it’s overbuilt for capacity, with two way EV charging, and a net zero house, maybe it would work for Texas this weekend, eh?
randy wester (Re your comments at February 16, 2021 at 9:14 pm),
Wow! I see lots of unsubstantiated claims in your latest comments and no compelling evidence/data/analysis from you to support them. Where to start?
From the IMF in May 2019:
“About three quarters of global subsidies are due to domestic factors—energy pricing reform thus remains largely in countries’ own national interest—while coal and petroleum together account for 85 percent of global subsidies. Efficient fossil fuel pricing in 2015 would have lowered global carbon emissions by 28 percent and fossil fuel air pollution deaths by 46 percent, and increased government revenue by 3.8 percent of GDP.”
More and more compelling evidence indicates fossil gas is NOT, as you assert: “the mostly low pollution natural gas industry”.
“The extraction, processing and transport of fossil fuels contributes to substantial methane emissions. But “super-emitters” – oil and gas sites that release a large volume of methane – contribute disproportionately to the problem.”
The evidence I see indicates fossil gas backup needs to be replaced with a mix of affordable, zero/low GHG emissions, rapidly deployable, large-scale ‘dispatchable’ technologies, like batteries, pumped-hydro energy storage, concentrating solar thermal with molten salt storage, etc.
Nuclear fission energy:
* is too expensive – see “Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis v14.0 (Oct 2020);
* is too slow to deploy – 10+ years to plan, procure, site prepare, construct and commission for experienced countries (like UK, USA, France, Finland, China), 15-20 years for inexperienced countries like Australia – see IAEA’s “Project Management in Nuclear Power Plant Construction: Guidelines and Experience”;
* relies on finite fissile fuels – inadequate supplies of high grade uranium ores are remaining to sustain a “nuclear renaissance” long-term, and an adequate thorium fuel cycle has NOT yet been established (if ever) – see EWG’s “Fossil and Nuclear Fuels – the Supply Outlook”;
* has a toxic waste legacy that will long outlast any energy benefits gained;
* will be less efficient and less reliable in an increasingly more hostile and hotter climate;
* sites will likely be at risk of inundation in the longer-term due to significant sea level rise + storm surges within the second half of this century (2050s onwards).
The recent grid failure in Texas was primarily due to gas assets freezing. It seems to me gas isn’t as reliable as you apparently imply it is, eh randy?
I think your apparent narrative of dismissing subsidies for fossil fuels and advocating for more gas and nuclear as viable solutions is NOT supported by overwhelming evidence/data/analysis I see.
I find it a bit rich for people to say that battery prices are continuing to fall but I disagree. Just because it has fallen dramatically over the last 10 years doesn’t mean it will continue on that trend. It’s reaching the point of diminishing returns. There’s not much to improve to gain extra cost reductions. There’s a point where a minimum threshold will be reached to maintain production of a product.
By that rationale, cars should be super cheap to buy by now. Lead acid batteries should be way way cheaper than it is when compared to Li-ion. Lead acid batteries don’t have a lot going for them in terms of capacity and performance, so they should be cheaper again to offset their disadvantages.
When I bought my Tesla PW2, the naysayers were saying hold off buying it and wait for the PW3 (predicted to arrive in late 2018/early 2019). Well, 4 years later, still no sign of the PW3 and the prediction of cheaper Li-ion home storage battery has failed to materialise. Battery World was correct when they said to me that battery prices won’t fall much further back in 2017 (once exchange rates are factored in).
Good thing I went with my guts and got the PW2 for $11739 installed with full house back up in 2017 (and no rebate/subsidy!). I wouldn’t be buying one today for the price point it’s at now, unless there was double storage capacity of 28kWh, instead of 14kWh.
“get back to supplying energy storage to the masses, rather than just those with masses of money” …. BOOM TISH!
Tesla are supplying a lot of batteries for “big battery” grid support installations, including here in Australia. Perhaps they are prioritising those, and think that the domestic storage market is only worth bothering with if it is profitable enough?
Interesting article. With a bit of luck the Aussie made Redflow battery can start to compete. News seems to suggest their Gen 3 battery is close to production and hoping they can start to compete on price otherwise Tesla has the battery market locked up for the foreseeable future until they either decide to drop the price, increase capacity or a competitor ie Redflow can create some competition.
Thank the maker (not Elon) that I have installed and also paid for solar panels and a powerwall a few weeks ago as the price rise may have sent me in a different direction of batter manufacturer, in my last home I had LG battery but I am really happy with my panels and battery as I have not used the grid since installation of the panels and battery. I do all the high energy jobs during the day and have the ac on a high setting during the day. Then by the morning I have 25% to 50% left in the battery when the sun comes up at 7am to start to recharge itself and power the home with the panels. The energy management software is excellent and seamless in action the batteries may have increased in price but I couldn’t be happier it should pay for itself long before my last loan payment is due. Lol.
Yes, this price rise is disappointing.
We’d be happy paying that much, IF / WHEN Powerwall 3 utilises 4860 cells.*
That’s unlikely, given Musk has _again_ postponed both the Roadster and the Semi, as the Model Y and Plaid have priority for these cells. Berlin especially has major priority, given increasing EV competition in Europe.
* Ensuring PW3 longevity and longer warranties.
I think we’d want a less flammable chemistry – something that could almost survive a house fire. It’s too cold in Alberta to have batteries outside.
I’ve heard good things about those Lithium Iron Phosphate cells, we might put in a 48 volt system and use them to power a few critical circuits separately.
I find your comment shockingly inappropriate and offensive re Tesla price hike for Australians. You said “ So many old people have died in the US from COVID-19 you’d think they’d be flush with inheritance money, wouldn’t you? Or maybe they’re being hit with massive ICU bills, American style?” – That comment you made put me off reading any further. Think about it – over 400000 deaths in US !
What a disgraceful insensitive comment to make !
It was not a sensitive comment, but I made it because I am upset over the poor response of most developed countries to the pandemic and I think we should keep disasters such as the 480,000+ unnecessary US deaths near the top of our minds and take action to make sure nothing like them happens again. From what I have seen, too many people who had responsibility want to shrug their shoulders and claim their nation couldn’t have done better. I think it’s good to be remind people of harsh truths given the number of people who seem happy to sweep a dismal global public health failure under the rug. Although I admit maybe I was a little too harsh here.
I’m with you, I thought it was a bit harsh too, but a lot of life is, and surely a lot of what politicians, medical people, first responders, insurance agents have discussed behind closed doors about the pandemic would make your comments look pretty tame indeed.
I read this blog to keep up on what’s happening in alternative energy around the world without the candy coating. Maybe sometimes we have to be a bit shocking to get the point across.
Keep up the good work!
This is not how emerging tech hoping for widespread adoption is supposed to work.
Battery prices have been more or less flat for the last few years because supply in this developing industry is lagging demand (driven by EVs in just about every country except Australia).
A similar thing happened with PV panels. Silicon supply shortages shot the silicon price from around USD40/kg in 2004 to above USD400/kg around 2008, before plunging off a cliff shortly after as supply caught up. It’s now around USD13/kg. Consequently PV modules prices flatlined for a few years around USD3/W before then continuing their downward trend. Of course they are now down to around USD0.18/W.
Prof Martin Green (perhaps the only person smarter than Ronald), suggests there’s no sign of this downward trend abating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDTml5OXZwA
I expect a similar future for batteries.
I think it is more likely that Elon is massively p*ssed that Bezos has passed him as the richest man in the world and needs to claw that back. Also Elon has a kid now and needs to save for his College fund.
Obviously the extra goes straight to the bottom line. Buy Tesla shares maybe hold off on the products.
Here’s another reason for the price hike.
In upper US Defence and Governments circles, Australia is known as an “easy lay”.
And yep, that means exactly as how it is read. One only has to look at our senior politicians when they get over to Washington and see the Defence toys on display and sale and you get the message.
Howdy, I have just posted an item and received the message “you’re posting too quickly, slow down”.
Seeing that that was my first post for around a month, should I schedule any comments I wish to post to doing them quarterly? 😉
I don’t know what’s happening there. Pretty sure the problem isn’t you’re typing too fast.
I get that a lot too Ronald. Even when it is my first post for some time. It seems related to the individual post and some software timer stuff-up not how many posts you have sent in days and months previously. I don’t really like the solution you use – I’d rather have a log -in to a Solar Quotes website and be done with it – not having to verify everything on every post.
If things get quiet in there maybe you could investigate an alternative ?
By the way, on the Tesla topic I don’t know why people think they are getting something special with Tesla. Overpriced and overhyped. Just choose a good alternative solution and let the market competition bring their prices down. They will want a footprint in Australia so don’t let them try the old Google (we’ll pull out of Oz if you aren’t nice to us) trick.
Here’s another one.
How come I can post here, yet when I hit the “like” button I have to login through wordpress?
I already have 2.5 A4 Portrait view, pages of logins and passwords that are “needed”. Very few of them are critical, many are important, most are handy and a few I signed up to under duress. Sites rarely visited but needed for my House building.
I don’t want yet more of these bloody things.
Me too, stopped reading at that point. Disgraceful comments.
Ok Ron has already agreed maybe that wasn’t the best choice of words but sometimes when you are trying to be humourous to make an article more interesting you can say something that will occasionally have consequences you didn’t intend and offend one or more. I am sure we all have done that and I certainly have. Personally I wasn’t offended and I certainly don’t think Ron intended to cause offence either.
Can we accept that and just move past it ?
With the price displayed at https://www.solarquotes.com.au/battery-storage/comparison-table/ of 11700AUD (“$11,700 (includes “Telsa Gateway”) ” ), is Solar Quotes offering the batteries at that discounted price?
That is not the correct price. Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll get onto fixing it. Wish we could hand out Powerwalls for that price, but we don’t sell solar or batteries.
UPDATE: The table has been corrected. Thanks again.
Ah, Ronald, whilst the price for the battery, within the table, has been increased, the value, both within the table, and, within the pictograph (?) below the table, for the “Cost per warranted kWh 1 cycle per day”, has not been correspondingly increased.
Perhaps, in the design and development of the web page, something like a PHP front end with a relational database backend, would be better used, so that, for each battery in the table, as the price for the battery is updated, the (re)calculated value for the “Cost per warranted kWh 1 cycle per day” would be dynamically, correspondingly, updated automatically.
Just a thought, for your web developer.
(The “tulsa” thing, at the battery price, is curious 🙂 )
It occurred to me, after my above post, that, perhaps, if Solar Quotes could obtain from LG in Australia, confirmation of the price reduction for the LG Chem RESU batteries, the Batteries Comparison Table could be updated, to show both the change to the prices for the batteries of the battery range, and, also, to show the resultant change to the “Cost per Warranted KiloWatt Hour” for the new prices for the batteries (and, the new “Cost per Warranted KiloWatt Hour” for the new, increased, Tesla Powerwall 2 price).
It has also occurred to me, that, if BYD would match (in AUD per kWh) the price reductions announced by LG, the BYD LVS 16, with the 15.3kWh usable capacity, with the same inverter that I mentioned above, in conjunction with the LG Chem RESU 13, would also, probably, be less expensive than the Tesla Powerwall 2 (and, the BYD LVS 16, is specified as being operational at up to 50 degrees centigrade).
Hi Bret
We have updated the LG Chem battery prices and the cost per warranted kilowatt-hour for the Powerwall 2. Thanks for drawing our attention to these problems.
Tesla is currently battery production limited. They sell every battery they can buy and make. If they sell a battery in a car they make a lot more profit per KWhr than in a Powerwall. If you were Tesla and limited by one component, you would want to sell more of the most profitable product to build more factories to make that component. Something Tesla are doing very fast. They are currently expanding all existing car factories to have battery manufacturing lines and all new factories (Berlin and Texas) have the new 4680 battery manufacturing designed into them.
In the most recent earning call Tesla announced they were going to have inhouse manufacturing of over 100GWhrs of battery production by end of 2022 and a manufacturing capacity of over 200GWhrs (About what Global manufacturing capacity is now). Plus buying every cell from Panasonic, LG-Chem and Catl they can get. The new Lithium Iron Phosphate 4680 battery will be perfect for Powerwalls and much cheaper per KWHr.
Selling batteries in Australia comes also with additional costs not just delivery. The time between buying the raw ingredients to being paid by the consumer is critical. Selling in the US they can have the battery to the consumer in hours or days. Australia is weeks or months. Increasing sales in US make Tesla more cash flow positive whereas increasing sales in Australia makes them less cash flow positive. We just need to push for them to open a battery factory in Australia. We should have a battery factory in Indonesia and maybe another in New Caledonia in the not too distant future which will make some positive change.
So glad I bought my Powerwall 2 for $8,800. Fully installed for $11,200 with back up gateway. First in Cairns. Worth every cent. The recent bad weather we had, knocked the power out to most of Cairns for up to 4 days. Only 20hrs for me but no stinking noisy generators here. Given my office is at home, the savings in productivity from just the power cuts in the last 12 months have more than paid for the battery!
Buy a power wall 2 and enjoy free power, it works for me, OK I don’t run the Spa pool every day, but the 50k/L pool and all the A/C are covered,, mate they pay me most months..
Let’s hope with Giga Shanghai which planned to produce batteries and power walls with the raw materials which a good part of come from Australia mines that power walls will finally become cheaper for Australians.
I see no logical reason why a product that is made from Australia raw materials made in China which will procure at scale and is geographically near would continue to demand as high of price tag.
Maybe just maybe we can finally have prices like the USA at least…..