Search Results for: tasmania

Small Business Commercial Solar With A 3 Year Payback – A Real World Case Study

Small scale commercial solar

Can commercial solar power for small business really slash overheads and pay for itself in 3 years? A real-world example.

A few days ago I wrote an article on commercial solar for small businesses but I was worried it may have been a little abstract.  I mentioned this to Finn, my boss1, and he said people might:

  • not believe that they can get a 3 year payback on a small business solar system – it seems too good to be true
  • appreciate something a little more hands on

.. and suggested I do a case study. [Read more…]

Commercial Solar For Small Businesses Can Pay Back In Under 3 Years

commercial solar power system

Don’t let soaring power bills kill your business – commercial solar can slash your bills.

Business is a kind of miracle where humans put aside their natural desire to screech and fling stuff at each other to work together to achieve common goals.  And the most common goal among businesses that are still in business is making money.  Unfortunately, focusing on this has led to some undesirable consequences such melting the icecaps.

If our civilization wants to continue as an ongoing concern then we need to make money in a way that doesn’t damage the environment.  Fortunately, I know something that can help business both make money and protect the environment and that something is commercial rooftop solar power. [Read more…]

Want Hundreds Of Dollars Worth Of Cool Cash?  Buy An Energy Efficient Fridge


Ronald’s fridge yesterday.

Disaster has struck the Brakels household! And I’m not talking about a minor disaster like a son or daughter breaking a leg.

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Australian Distributed Solar PV Electricity Generation Statistics

Australian solar energy electricity generation

Image: Skeeze

Close to 1.8 million solar power systems are now installed in Australia – how much electricity have PV installations been generating? [Read more…]

Basslink Failure Row Continues

Basslink cable failure

Image: Basslink

There wasn’t a lot of peace and goodwill between Hydro Tasmania and Basslink Pty Ltd last week, with the pair clashing over the 2015/16 Basslink outage. [Read more…]

Australian Solar + Battery Installation Statistics

solar and battery installations - Australia

Image: Tesla (Powerwall 2)

Late last year, Australia was experiencing somewhat of a frenzy of interest in solar + battery storage. How has that panned out? [Read more…]

Merry Christmas And A Happy Old Year

Well, another year is almost gone and so to everyone I say, Merry Christmas and a Happy Old Year! [Read more…]

Hobart City Council Divesting From Fossil Fuels – Completely

The fossil fuel divestment juggernaut rumbles on, with Hobart City Council announcing it was getting on board in a big way. [Read more…]

Australian Small Scale Solar Installation Statistics For November 2017

November was a busy month in Australia for <100kW capacity solar power installations according to the Clean Energy Regulator, and concurrent battery installations picked up again. [Read more…]

Should you scrap your 1.5kW solar and replace it with a bigger system?

solar rag and bone man

Should you bite the bullet and scrap your 1.5kW solar system so you can fit a bigger system on your roof?

Five to eight years ago, just as the Australian solar industry was getting underway, many people locked in high feed in tariffs for their new, cutting-edge solar power systems.  For example, many people in Victoria with systems installed before 2012 are now getting 71.3 cents per kilowatt-hour of solar electricity exported into the grid.  And they will continue to receive this for almost 7 more years. [Read more…]

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