REC Alpha Pure-R Solar Panels Unveiled

REC Alpha Pure-R Series solar panels

REC has shown off the next generation of its high-powered Alpha solar panel family suitable for residential rooftops – the REC Alpha Pure-R Series.

REC launched the Alpha Pure panel range last year, following on from its Alpha solar panels in 2019. One of the Alpha Pure’s claims to fame is zero lead content, and is available in capacities from 385W up to 410W. Announcing the new generation Alpha Pure-R series at Intersolar Europe last night, REC says the R is the company’s “newest and greatest product so far”, as you’d expect they would.

REC Alpha Pure-R Series Specifications

As is commonly the case with new solar product announcements, datasheets don’t appear to be available from the REC website at this point (or any decent imagery – hence the crappy pic above), but here’s what I’ve been able to dig up about the REC Alpha Pure-R.

  • Capacities: 410W – 430W
  • Module conversion efficiencies: 21.2% – 22.3%
  • Weight: 21.5kg
  • Dimensions: 1730mm x 1118m x 30mm
  • Temperature coefficient:  -0.26%/°C
  • Half-cut heterojunction (HJT) cells based on G12 wafer
  • Gapless cell layout
  • Two support bars on rear
  • 4-part junction box
  • RoHS compliant
  • Standard 20-year product warranty, 25 years from REC-certified solar installation professionals
  • Performance warranty – 25 years (92% of rated output at year 25)

Compared to the original Alpha Pure solar panels, it looks like the R Series is around 1kg heavier, has the same temperature coefficient, is shorter (1821mm for original Alpha Pure), but wider (original: 1016mm). In terms of efficiency, the 410W original Alpha Pure is 22.2% – so the equivalent in the R series may be less efficient. But the above specs aren’t all official, and I’ll update if necessary once REC gets around to making a datasheet and other details publicly available.

UPDATE May 13: REC have kindly provided me the datasheet for the Alpha Pure-R Series, and here’s a better look at the panel:

REC Alpha Pure R-Series

Further information on the Alpha family of panels can be found here.

REC Alpha Pure-R Series Availability

As for when the REC Alpha Pure-R solar panels will be available in Australia, that’s not clear – but the company is starting production in August this year. REC also mentioned it was doubling its production capacity from 600MW to 1.2GW a year, starting August.

UPDATE October 6, 2022. REC began producing the Alpha Pure-R at its Singapore facility in September and the first shipments have already gone out to fill pre-orders from countries including Australia. The panels will showcased to local customers at All-Energy Australia at the end of this month.

Something that will help build buzz about the new solar panels is it seems company has picked up an award for the Alpha Pure at Intersolar Europe this year.

With its high efficiencies, dimensions and weight, and good temperature coefficient characteristics that can helpful in warmer climates, REC Alpha Pure-R solar panels are shaping up to be a good option for Australian installations; although expect them to be pricier than “budget” good quality brands such as Jinko and Trina.

REC has been on the solar scene in one form or another since 1996 and its products first appeared in Australia back in 2010. Here on SolarQuotes, REC solar panel reviews have been generally positive. The company has achieved an overall rating of 4.8 out of 5 from 671 ratings at the time of publishing, and 4.9 stars over the last 6 and 12 months.

REC solar panels have proven to be pretty popular among Australian solar installers too, with the company taking out second place in the high-end solar panel category of the SolarQuotes Installers Choice Awards for 2022, and equal second place in 2021. REC is currently listed on SQ’s recommended solar brands chart.

You can compare REC products currently available in Australia side-by-side with a bunch of other brands using SQ’s solar panel comparison table.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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