Risen Solar Panel Warranty Beefed Up Again In Australia

Risen energy solar panels warranty

Risen Energy announced yesterday it is lifting product warranty from 15 to 25 years on selected solar panels installed in Australia.

Solar panels are accompanied by two types of warranty. The first – and most important – is the product warranty covering workmanship and materials, the second on performance degradation of a panel over a period of usually 25 years.

Product warranties at the cheaper end of the market have been in the 10 – 15 year range, but 10 years is becoming less common these days as manufacturers build confidence in the durability of their products. Once the realm of pricey premium solar panels, 25 year product warranties will likely become more commonplace among “budget” panels.

The new 25-year Risen product warranty applies to solar panels installed on Australian residential rooftops since February 1, 2022 and covers the following models (the “xxx” on each represents module wattage).

  • Titan S RSM40-8-xxxMB
  • Titan S RSM40-8-xxxM
  • RSM130-8-xxxMB (?)
  • RSM130-8-xxxM with black frame (?)

Module Muddle?

The reason for the question marks above is it doesn’t appear Risen Energy produces the “RSM130-8”  M/MB range noted in their announcement – but it does manufacture RSM132-6 M/MB, which is the Jäger Plus module in the 360W to 380W range. Perhaps there’s a new product line in the works or renamed models I’m not aware of – or it’s just a typo.

At the time of writing, an updated warranty document was yet to be available on the Risen Energy Australia web site for clarification on those model designations, and spec sheets for the Titan S modules still showed 15 years product warranty.

Before settling on Risen panels based on the promise of a 25-year product warranty, wait for the updated warranty document to be available and read it carefully. It’s not uncommon for solar panel manufacturers to get really pumped about warranty extensions and announce them before getting the basics such as documentation sorted – and it’s a tad annoying.

This in the second time in recent years Risen has extended product warranty in Australia. Back in 2019, it was boosted from 12 to 15 years. And in that instance the company also didn’t update its warranty documents to coincide with the announcement.

Anyway, as for the motivation behind the warranty boost, Head of Product Development of Risen Group Danny Song said:

“Risen has enduring evidence of the longevity of our panels, and it is for this reason we have the utmost confidence in our decision to extend the product warranty to 25 years for application in the Australian residential rooftop sector.”

A Bit About Risen

Risen Energy was founded in China in 1986 and kicked off its solar business in 2002. The company began supplying panels into Australia in 2008 and established a physical presence in Melbourne in 2014. Risen Energy solar panels have proven to be pretty popular and pop up in all sorts of installation scenarios here – everything from small rooftop systems to utility-scale solar farms.

Among the solar farms are a couple owned by Risen: Merredin Solar Farm in WA (100MW) and  Yarranlea Solar Farm in Queensland (103MW).

Risen solar panel reviews here on SolarQuotes from Australian customers have generally been positive, with the company scoring an overall star rating of 4.7, and a 4.9 star average over the last 12 months. Risen is currently listed on SolarQuotes’ approved solar brands chart. You can compare specifications and estimated pricing of Risen products with a bunch of others on SQ’s solar panel comparison table.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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