On Christmas Eve, on Twitter, DaveMySpace asked this question: [Read more…]
COP26: Australia Stupid Not To Join Global Methane Pledge
Last week at the COP26 in Glasgow, more than 100 nations took the Global Methane Pledge and committed to reducing emissions of this dangerous greenhouse gas 30% by 2030. It was a shining moment in history as the world’s people came together to act for the common good.
When I say “the people of the world”, I actually don’t mean all of them. [Read more…]
Biden Wants US To Go 40% Solar By 2035
You may have noticed the US President is looking less orange these days. Now that “sleepy” Joe Biden is in the White House’s egg-shaped office, American climate change policy is moving in the right direction. [Read more…]
Wind & Solar Power Use Far Less Land Than Coal
The lowest cost way to replace the coal power now providing 63% of Australia’s electricity is to replace it with a combination of wind and solar generation plus energy storage. [Read more…]
Satellites Show Sea-Level Rise Of Almost 10 cm In 28 Years
I’m not going to prevaricate. I won’t even waste time using large words I hardly understand. I’m going to come right out and say it. The world’s oceans have problems — big problems as in they’re getting bigger. [Read more…]
Solar Helps Some Of The World’s Poorest Households Save $734,000 In 12 Months
Financial Year 2019-20 was a big year in SolarQuotes’ support for the NGO Pollinate Group, which supports low-income households in India by helping them replace expensive kerosene lighting with solar powered alternatives. By sending $1 to Pollinate Group for each quote request on this site, we’ve been able to send $64,655 their way in 12 months. [Read more…]
National Geographic Gives You A Peek At Your Hometown’s Climate – In 2070
What will your local climate be like in 2070?
Okay, this is cool: National Geographic’s latest contribution to climate change education is to try and give people a way to understand what their home cities will be like 50 years from now, if climate change follows the RCP 8.5 scenario. [Read more…]
Michael Moore Attacks Renewable Industry By Detonating His Own Credibility
Planet Of The Humans: Earth Day documentary by Jeff Gibbs and promoted by Michael Moore. It’s zero stars from me in this review.
Two days ago I watched a documentary called Planet of the Humans that was released on Earth Day on April 22. It’s by Jeff Gibbs and promoted by Michael Moore, who was its executive producer. [Read more…]
‘Solar Lamp’ Social Enterprise Pollinate Needs Our Help For Its COVID-19 Work
Pollinate Group distribute solar lights in India & Nepal. Those communities are being hit hard by COVID-19.
Regular readers will recall that SolarQuotes is a supporter of a remarkable enterprise called Pollinate Group, which supports communities in Nepal and India with solar lamps (comprising a 3.3 watt solar panel, a 3000mAh battery, 165 lumen LED and 2 USB charging ports) to replace unpleasant and dangerous kerosene lamps. [Read more…]
Idiots Insisting “Over 20% Renewables Is Impossible” Go Into Hiding. Won’t Be Missed.
A few years ago it was common to hear “Grids Can’t Handle More Than 20% Renewables”. South Australia (among others) would beg to differ.
I was talking to Finn on Sunday — electronically because computer viruses are less of a threat than biological ones these days — and I mentioned South Australia was producing much more electricity from renewables than it was consuming and that the surplus was being exported to Victoria. There’s nothing unusual about this, especially on weekends, but it prompted Finn to ask… [Read more…]
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