Tesla Popup Store In Adelaide Quotes $9,300 Powerwall Installed By Killer Robots

Tesla popup store in Adelaide, South Australia

Yesterday I visited a pop-up Tesla store in Adelaide.

Tesla has told me they can provide a fully installed Powerwall 2 in South Australia for $9,300 after the state’s $6,000 battery subsidy.  The three phase version will cost “a few hundred dollars more” and there is a 12 week waiting period.

I got this information from the Tesla stand in Radelaide’s1 Rundle Mall.  When Finn told about the stand’s existence I immediately decided to check it out and began strutting towards Rundle Mall, confident my beard was now long enough to prevent mall security recognizing me.  I was very excited because Rundle Mall is the best mall in all the land.  It’s got balls!

Rundle Mall’s balls. Our mall is so tough it has balls of steel with rude words painted on them.  (Image:  ABC News)

When I got to the ball mall I managed to walk right past the Tesla stand without noticing it.  I admit I’m not the most observant person in the world, but I was expecting a Tesla stand to be a little more flashy and extroverted than the rather small thing I eventually found.  I was expecting an electric car to be on display and perhaps a small marching band.  I’m not saying Tesla should have had one of the living ex-Presidents there shaking hands — just putting one of the dead ex-Presidents on display would have been enough.  I’d say my lousy observation was only 99% responsible for my not noticing it at first.  The other 1% is all on Tesla for their lack of American excess.

Fortunately, none of the mall pigs recognized me.

When I found the place I used my ninja abilities to spy on a Canadian who was asking a Tesla representative all the right questions.2  Thanks to his investigative abilities I was able to confirm Tesla solar tiles aren’t a thing that’s available to anyone.  They are being “tested” in the United States and cost around $110,000 Australian dollars per house.  I was surprised Tesla was willing to admit anything they make is ridiculous, so good for them.

Tesla solar roof tiles

While they’re not a thing you can actually get, they still like to show Tesla solar tiles on their website.

There was an empty Tesla Powerwall 2 display case.3  Unfortunately, there was no sign of the grey gateway box the Powerwall 2 requires to work, so people stopping by the stand won’t be getting a realistic impression of what the system looks like when installed.  There was also a solar panel on display but it was pretty lousy as it looked like something that might have come from a caravan and was not a full sized panel that gets installed on roofs.

This puny panel they had on display is two-thirds normal size. A Tesla rep stood in front of it and told the Canadian a 5 kilowatt solar system would need 17 panels without explaining they would need to be considerably larger than this thing.

The Tesla rep told us — the Canadian and I — that a fully installed Tesla Powerwall 2 in South Australia will cost $9,300.  That’s after the state’s battery subsidy is applied.  Because Powerwall 2 has 13.5 kilowatt-hours of usable storage capacity when new it qualifies for the maximum subsidy of $6,000.  I guess this means if you are not in South Australia you can get one installed for around $15,300.4  This is very close to the middle of estimated range Tesla gave the last time they increased its price.

The Tesla representative told me Powerwall 2 installations would be done by Skynet, which is a bit of a worry.

“Greetings, valued customer. At Skynet we guarantee our battery systems will last longer than the projected survival time of the human species.”

However, I am pretty sure he actually meant Skybridge, which is kind of different.  Or at least, I hope it is.  To try to clear up the confusion I asked another Tesla guy but I couldn’t get any names out of him.  He said it would vary depending on the situation.  He also told me there was a 12 week waiting period.  Technically that’s only 2.7598 months but Tesla have a reputation for not getting things done when they say they will.

A 3 Phase Powerwall Solution “For A Few Hundred Dollars More”

There is now a 3 phase version of the Powerwall 2.

This has a gateway box that is able to supply power from the Powerwall battery to all 3 phases.  It will only be able to supply power to one phase during a blackout, but that’s not a huge problem if you connect everything vital to that phase.5  I’d say you definitely want this if you are one of the minority who have 3 phase power.  I wasn’t given a precise figure, but was told it costs “a few hundred dollars more”.  So a 3 phase Powerwall 2 may cost $9,600 in South Australia.  But if they were certain it would only cost $300 more they would have given me that figure, so don’t be too shocked if it costs extra.  They were unable to tell me if the 3 phase version of Powerwall 2 would have the same 12 week waiting period or would take even longer to be available.

Tesla Powerwall 2

There was no sign of the Gateway box the Powerwall 2 needs to function near this display.

Update 10th Jan 3:42:  A large company has informed me it is not correct to say there is a 3 phase version of the Powerwall 2.  Instead I should say the Backup Gateway 2 has the ability to work with three phase homes.  I have acquired a picture of the new gateway box and it is super cute!  Here it is next to a Powerwall 2:

It’s like a little baby!

Shopping Around May Help

Looking at the SA Government’s Home Battery Scheme site I see there are currently 10 providers installing the Powerwall 2.  If you shop around you may get a better deal, but I don’t know what your chances are.  It’s also possible one of them has a Powerwall 2 in stock and could install it in less than 12 weeks, but I don’t fancy the odds.

According to what I’ve heard the Powerwall 2 works well — Finn has one on his straw wall.6  I am concerned about its round trip efficiency and that’s something I should probably look into.  But if you are hoping to save money by getting one this is only likely to be possible in South Australia with their hefty $6,000 subsidy.  Even then you have to take care to make sure it won’t end up costing you money.

Tesla Powerwall 2 installation

I can’t see the gateway box the Powerwall 2 requires in either of these pictures I took from the Tesla site. So where is it? On the other side of the wall? Or do Tesla gateway boxes have some sort of stealth mode I am unaware of?


  1. Like Adelaide, except more radioactive.
  2. I’ve always found Canadians to be really smart.  Sexy too.
  3. Update 10th Jan 3:40pm: It turns out the case isn’t actually empty and it powers the stand in conjunction with panels on the top.  Definitely my mistake there.
  4. You may want to wait and see who wins this year’s Federal election before getting one, as Labor says they will provide a $2,000 battery subsidy from the start of 2020 if they get in.
  5. Refrigeration, lights, and at least one power point is what I would call the bare minimum.
  6. He lives in a house of straw.  I live in a house of sticks, while Jonathon lives in a house of brick.  He’s the smart piggy.
About Ronald Brakels

Joining SolarQuotes in 2015, Ronald has a knack for reading those tediously long documents put out by solar manufacturers and translating their contents into something consumers might find interesting. Master of heavily researched deep-dive blog posts, his relentless consumer advocacy has ruffled more than a few manufacturer's feathers over the years. Read Ronald's full bio.


  1. Mark Shueard says

    I’d like to know what exactly what the new 3 phase model does that the single phase does not? If it can not power all phases in a blackout then how is it any different?
    My own PW2 can power all phases ( in net terms only ) when connected to the grid, so what is the difference?

    • Finn Admin says

      When connected to the grid the new gateway powers all phases in real life, not just in net terms. (Update/clarification: You need a Powerwall for each phase to do this. So 3x PW + 1 x Gateway)

      When in backup mode you can only use one phase.

      • Mark Shueard says

        Sure but I say to you, what does it matter? Makes no difference to the bill ?

      • I suspect for anyone with only a single PW2, I doubt it will offer any 3 phase benefits. Unless Finn knows something I don’t, I suspect the new gateway will only actually power all 3 phases is you have 3 PW2, 1 connected to each phase. It is the PW2 that has the inverter, not the gateway, so the gateway is not going to be able to make a single PW2 3 phase. As near as I can tell, the benefit of the 3 phase gateway is more to allow more PW2 to be connected to a single home with the endorsements of the distributors. With distributor rules to try and balance phases, with the old gateway, most people would have been limited to 1, maybe 2 PW2. Old gateway was limited to ability to connect PW2 to a single phase. But now with new gateway, PW2 can be put on all 3 phases. You can install up to 10 PW2, and being able to balance across phases increases the chances the distributor will allow you to connect more PW2.

        It is very disappointing new gateway only allows backup of a single phase. I would have hoped they would allow backup on all phases with PW2s connected. Although technically I can’t see any reason they could not support this if they wanted to. But there are complicated technical reasons they have avoided some potential pitfalls by not supporting this. Ie because Tesla use frequency shifting to throttle solar inverters on each of the phases, you would not be able to support solar and true 3 phase loads (eg large 3 phase AC units) in a blackout. But I can’t see any reason why you could not do the install to support either 1 of these, but not both in a blackout.

  2. Howard Patrick says

    That’s great!!!!

    Three Tesla Powerwall to give 42kWh in the latest Nissan Leaf, (40kWh), and the EV would cost $45,000 just for the battery pack – the car itself would be an extra.

    ESS remains a rort; a rort fostered by a number of Australia’s governments.

  3. I also asked the rep today about the cost and got the same price. But I asked about the 3 phase and was told it would be about a thousand dollars more.
    Looks like the price has increased slightly.

  4. I’m from Qld and have been waiting for a power wall 2 since September 2017, waiting waiting waiting. Very frustrating

    • Ronald Brakels says

      A few days after its launch Tesla said A Powerwall 2’s installed price could be as little as $10,150. Now their installed cost appears to be around $15,300 they may suddenly, magically, become available. After a 12 or more week wait from ordering.

      Did you put a deposit down, Karen? Because if you did that’s unacceptable.

    • Where are you Karen – stock here in TOWNSVILLE and we are still selling at pre price rise for a few more weeks ????

    • Mark McClurg says

      I would take it to fair trading. And make sure you get it at the original price you paid a deposit against. Hope you win!

  5. looks like its chesper because the government will have access to your powerwall, its called virtual power plant. i asked can i disable that, they said yes but you will have to pay $6000 more, so back to the full price…. go ask and check yourself, but if i want a battery backup, im the only one i want to access it, so i have power when i want, otherwise when they need power they will just drain your battery and then if the power goes out, your battery is empty…

    • Ronald Brakels says

      An SA subsidized battery has to be capable of becoming part of a Virtual Power Plan either out of the box or with little additional work. At the moment people are not required to join a VPP to receive the subsidy. But one interesting thing to note is a subsidized battery can’t be moved from the address where it is installed so households don’t have unrestricted ownership of a subsidized battery.

      • not required to join but if you opt out you have to pay the extra $6,000.

      • Greg Hudson says

        ”How would that affect the thieves ripping them off the wall loading them on to a forklift and driving away in their semi ? 😉

        • Ronald Brakels says

          Obviously they’d have to put a sticker on them informing thieves they’re not to be removed from the premises.

          • Greg Hudson says

            Of course. Especially if the sticker is heavier than the tare weight of the truck. Silly me 😉

  6. Bret Busby says

    When an update article is published to update the information about battery storage systems, could it please include an updated comparison of both the initial capital outlay for each battery system, and, an updated comparison of the cost estimate per kWh over the life (as covered by the warranty) of the battery system, for each now available battery system, both thin and without the localised battery storage system subsidies?

  7. Bret Busby says

    Ah, in my last previous post, the text
    “both thin and without”
    should have instead, been
    “both within and without”

    Plurry spellcheckers!

  8. Mark McClurg says

    In my short time in the solar industry ( 9 years ) I’ve witnessed a lot of change in the market. But there is a common theme. US companies entering the AUS market and thinking that the US model will work over here. So many companies have failed. Think Flex and SunEdison as two recent examples. Well Tesla is a joke. I’ve not witnessed a company so self destructive yet remains in vogue with consumers. As a solar retailer, we were set up as an authorised Powerwall installer (V1). Tesla pulled the pin on official distributors by announcing V2 without notice, and telling people they could buy direct from the Tesla website. Retailers/Installation companies like mine could buy the product direct, but our savings on product vs retail was around $300 on the PW2 ! Um..I think I’ll just leave that risk liability for $300. Anyway, we could still install the product. The big wholesalers who caught out high and dry. Left with hundreds of obsolete PW1 units and then told the PW2 (same price as the PW1) is being sold direct to the market! Anyway, I wanted the PW2, so ordered mine online. At least I would be able to install my unit. That was Nov 2017. In Feb I get a random call from an IT company in Brisbane. They have been given the installation contract for online PW2 orders in northern NSW. Wow. Ok, so no notice and I’m cut out of even doing the local installations. I feel like an idiot for telling dozens of customers to buy the product online expecting my company to be given the installation contract! When I approach Tesla they tell me their model is changing all the time, but if I do want to install the product I have to order through my portal (and accept my buy price is almost retail price) … But min order is 3. Ok. I bite the bullet and order 3 in Feb 2018. ETA was April… Then June… Then August. In September I’m told I must order more stock because the product is in short supply. I refuse. After all, I’m still waiting on my 3 unit order from Feb. In November I get a call. Tesla are consolidating their dealer network. I’m on the chopping board. My orders are deleted. Tesla is a joke. They will fail spectacularly in Australia. All the while, their competitors are building better product with no barriers to trade. Consumers need to stop being caught in the headlights of the Tesla train. The product is average. The marketing is brilliant. The risk is huge.

    • Mark ( another Mark ) says

      In my business I have seen something very very similar from a company that goes by the name of Adobe, that’s right of the Photoshop kind.
      My disgust for that company is brought on for similar reasons to you.
      It comes down to GREED and a lack of appreciation for the foot soldiers who drum up business for the said company,.
      Tesla, Adobe and Apple , offering 5% margin if lucky so you can have the glory of saying you sell said product.
      I no longer sell for the greedy Adobe model and I suggest you sit back and watch them choke on their own failings by themselves.

      • Mark McClurg says

        Thanks, Mark – I feel your pain too. Its a common theme with US corporations. They are exceptionally cutthroat. The problem is that they deliberately play on the naivety of Australian small business operators. As you say, operators want the ‘glory’ of being a Tesla PW2 retailer/installer. Little do these operators know that under Australian Consumer Law, they are liable for the product warranty in the event that the manufacturer or parent distribution arm of the company pulls out of Australia. Now, most people think that Tesla is a safe company – but there are LOTS of investors out there betting on Tesla failing. Now do the maths on the warranty liability of dozens or hundreds of PW2 units that they may have sold and installed should Tesla pull out of Australia? Quite simply, as a small or medium sized operator, you would liquidate your company rather than be exposed that warranty liability. That’s why anyone selling the product directly is crazy – incl the pop up stand in the mall 🙂 Be smart people, factor risk and warranty and liability into your profit margin. Single figure margins are CRAZY in terms of risk exposure.

    • Craig I would like t speak to you.

  9. I have a PW2 and it covers my two phases just fine with CT clamps and net metering- not sure why the big whoop for the gateway 2.

    Also the proposed Labor subsidy will not double up with the SA one – it’s for where there are no other subsidies are available.

  10. Michael Gonzalez says

    Sorry to burst all your bubles…. But since various governments announced various schemes what is happening is corporate money grab’n creed. Had a while solar system installed in Brisbane last month and the Tesla + Backup Gateway only costed $11,500 cash. if there was a $6k sub then the consumer should only be left to pay $5,500.

    Corporate business greed plain and simple. Government schemes are there to help poor consumers not line fatcat Business men pockets!

  11. All this help from Goverment sounds a bit like the FHOG(first home owners grant) provided by the federal government in 2000 pre GST. With the announcement around April land increased from $45k to around $65k and with the implementation of the scheme on 1 July (with the introduction of the GST) the price was $85k. Of coarse the FHO Boost, which doubled the grant, had an even more spectacular impact as demonstrated by Steve Keen. Similar things have been observed with support for child minding and rent assistance.
    So my request to government, PLEASE STOP HELPING US (the tax paying public), we can’t afford your help any more. Most of us pay twice in any event with the ticket being clipped in between costing us even more.

    But then we as the voting public are to blame, as we think we are getting something for nothing, little do we know we are being bribed with our own money. The vested interests are smiling all the way to the bank, at our expense.

  12. This isn’t limited to American companies as the land/FHOG poster notes. It also started long ago. One example from around 12 to 15 years ago… the WA government announced a rebate if you bought a water-wise efficient appliance like a washing machine with at least a certain water rating. Overnight the price of washing machines that met the requirement increased by $100 of the announced $150 subsidy. Prices in WA were already higher than east coast and the subsidy bumped them up another $100 on top. Half way through the subsidy period the retailers had increased prices again so they were pocketing the entire $150 of the rebate supposed to encourage consumers to think energy stars and water-wise ratings. Heck, the state government didn’t pull them up when immediately stole the first $100, so why wouldn’t they go the rest of the distance and take the last $50. Didn’t matter whether it was hardly normal or retrovision, they all did it. It set the precedent for the no-holds-barred environment for later schemes like FHOG. What is not surprising is that the government just doesn’t care; they already got what they wanted – kudos in the press and in the minds of those with weaker comprehension capabilities. What is surprising is that the ‘public’ doesn’t scream bloody murder when these things happen.

    • Keep in mind that the original FHOG was $7500, as was the FHOboost on land. Greed here took the form of not only pocketing the whole amount of $7500, but getting the bunnies to leverage it up so that they could pocket the amount banks were willing to lend on the $7500 “deposit” too. And this was the Australian federal Government, not USA. This is the actual figures as transpired in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne during April to July 2000 with the introduction of the GST. Well done Johnny, first class PM for the masses…ahm NOT. O yes and do not forget Peter Costello, the treasurer who paid of the government debt by getting individuals to boost the economy with $7 of additional debt for every dollar paid off by the government.
      Subsidies in renewables will end up “helping” a totally different cohort of people than those it is promise to help. The real question is who is really paying for all this?

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